We all have those vacation photos hidden away in the box in the back of a cupboard that we don’t want anyone to see. However, these are photos that should be celebrated. These kind of funny vacation photos are becoming rarer as we now can instantly delete any photograph that we don’t like. Gone are the days of the candid picture and waiting for a week for your camera film to be developed.
Check out these 35 funny vacation photos that will put a smile on your face and make you laugh out loud.
35.) Stingray Photobomb
Say cheese! These snorkelers got more than they bargained for when they signed up to get up close and personal with the sea life.
Photobombing at it’s best.
34.) Smile for the Camera
This lady was paddling along, minding her own business and relaxing in the sea. She sees some coral and picks it up as a reminder of this beautiful tranquil vacation.
Then BOOM, she finds herself holding a baby crocodile! An unexpected meeting, to say the least, judging by the look on her face.
33.) Timing Is Everything
You are having the most wonderful romantic vacation with your other half, so you want to capture that moment and take a photo so that you can remember it always.
This guy couldn’t resist the urge to jump into the shot so that the couple would have a reminder of him always.
32.) At Least the Dolphin Is Smiling
You’ve been planning the photo opportunity all day: a pic of your daughter with a cheerful, friendly dolphin in the background. This picture will be a vacation photo for you to share with her when she grows up to remind her of the precious time you spent together as a family.
However, you didn’t take into account the fear and the tears when she finally met this beloved creature. At least this funny vacation photo will be a talking point for years to come.
31.) Romance Is in the Air
This is such a magical moment – the moment that she’s been waiting for all her life. You can see it in her face: the love, the excitement, and the joy.
Luckily enough, there was someone at hand to take a photo of this proposal and capture the romance. The hippo is sneakily photobombing in the background, which makes this pic even more awesome!
30.) It’s the Stingray Again!
This excitable little fellow seems to have a bit of a thing for the ladies. However, the ladies don’t seem to feel the same way.
You have to give him credit for trying.
29.) Looking a Bit Horse
We love it when you get those funny vacation photos that are taken at the exact right moment.
This horse just thought he’d pop his head through the window to be friendly and say hello. The boy, on the other hand, was not prepared for this kind gesture and screeched out in fear and shock.
28.) Creepy Bears and Ice Picks
As far as funny vacation photos go, this has to be up there as one of the most creepy.
We’d maybe keep this photo out of the family photo album and hide it away in a box so the picture doesn’t scare the kids.
27.) Planned to Perfection
The photographer had spent weeks planning the perfect photoshoot. The idyllic location and the color-coordinated outfits would make this family shoot sheer perfection. All they had to do was jump.
However, Lucy had a different plan and decided that falling would make for a more funny family portrait.
26.) The Relaxed Look
You told your husband that you wanted to take a friendly and relaxed family photo by the fire. But he had to go that one step too far.
Please don’t turn around, kids!
25.) Feed Me
Visiting a nature reserve and feeding the animals seemed like a good idea at the time.
Then a big, feathery, hungry emu comes up, and all of a sudden, you’re regretting your decision.
24.) A Pat on the Head
If you get the right angle, you can create some awesome funny vacation photos. This is an excellent example of winning at photography.
It’s heads above the rest!
23.) Living the Dream
It’s been every child’s fantasy (and even a fantasy for some adults) to visit Disney World at some point. It’s the place where dreams come true. The Smiths made that magical dream come true and took the trip to this magical kingdom. However, after a week confined to a small space with the entire family and spending hours on end in what seemed like endless lines, they finally cracked.
This photo captures that special moment: the moment they all had enough.
22.) Splish Splash
You know what? If we all jump at the same time, it will make the best vacation photo!
Or more like a vacation photo fail. The parents even look a bit scared of what’s going on here.
21.) Mousey Scares
This was probably not quite the reaction that this kid’s parents were expecting when they told them they would be meeting the world famous Mickey Mouse.
This kid will never look at Mickey the same way again.
20.) Behind the Scenes at Pisa
We’ve all seen the famous poses, and some of us have even taken that famous photo at the Leaning Tower of Pisa where it looks like you’re holding up the tower if you angle it just right.
This is what it looks like from the other side of the camera. The tourists look as if they are doing Thai-Chi.
19.) Lady Liberty
The Statue of Liberty is apparently the style icon for this family as they eagerly approach her, wearing her crown with pride.
Crown game on point!
18.) It’s All Bull
We all have that one friend. What is he even looking for?
It’s a classic funny vacation photo doing a stupid pose with a statue.
17.) Double Denim
A family that wears denim together stays together. We hope it was a cold day because denim makes you hot. Piling on top of each other makes this a sweaty, awkward vacation photo.
Sometimes you need to take a step back and think about your life choices.
16.) Look, I Fit!
You made a simple passing comment to your friend that you think she’s small enough to squeeze into the overhead compartment and this happens.
We hope the cabin crew got her out before the plane took off.
15.) Picture Perfect Couple
Sometimes we all get lost in the moment. This couple certainly did while on vacation and seemed to be oblivious to the poor horse handler directly underneath them.
Let’s hope that the water was warm and he wasn’t freezing to death!
14.) Mickey Mouse Club
Is Mickey Mouse eating a child’s head? The main girl in the picture looks happy but blissfully unaware of what is going on in the background.
The most candid perfectly timed photos are the best.
13.) Disney Isn’t for Everyone
Let’s face it: Disney isn’t for everyone. This funny vacation photo sums up this little girl’s feelings perfectly.
While the rest of the family is thrilled to be meeting Tigger, she is cowering under the table in fear.
12.) It’s a Sign
When your boyfriend offers to take a lovely photo of you with the scenery in the background…
We’re not sure that she is aware of what the sign says.
11.) Feeding Time
When your youngest picks up a baby goat, you have to take a photo of the super cute moment.
Without realizing it, you may capture the moment when your eldest is being attacked by a feeding frenzy of goats and deer.
10.) Aloha!
Hold the parrot, and we’ll get a brilliant photo that we can get framed and send to your grandparents.
Nope, he wasn’t having any of it. This kid wasn’t feeling the love from this colorful bird, and the tears soon followed.
9.) Rising Tide
That funny moment on vacation when grandma fell asleep on the beach and the tide came in.
Surely someone could have told her. Did she not feel the water?
8.) Family Portrait
A picture speaks a thousand words, and there’s not much more you need to say here.
Even though the poor boy has had an accident, it hasn’t stopped the rest of the family from smiling.
7.) Monkey Business
Let’s get a photo with the monkeys, they said. It will be great and look fantastic in the family photo album.
The onlookers don’t know whether to be disgusted or amused.
6.) A Night at the Circus
Photobombs always make the best funny vacation photos.
If you have coulrophobia, this picture is not for you.
5.) Say Cheese

Awkward Family Photos
Imagine jumping into the water and it looks like this.
It’s too funny!
4.) Chip and Dale Love Grandma

Awkward Family Photos
Grandma is so happy she got to meet these men!
They look thrilled to have her, too!
3.) Bears, Oh My

Awkward Family Photos
Bears are terrifying, especially when they are coming into your car!
Hopefully this family go out alive.
2.) Look At Those Wandering Eyes

Awkward Family Photos
Wandering eyes caught on camera!
His family probably makes fun of him for this.
1.) Ahhhh Being Attacked

Awkward Family Photos
Don’t you hate being attacked by an animal through the window?